
Justin Bieber we are watching you….

In We love to Hate on March 26, 2010 at 11:39 am

Dear Justin Bieber,

We think we know what you are hiding under your mass of feathered bangs…


Haters on Parade

Is Your Child Fat?

In Uncategorized on March 22, 2010 at 10:42 pm

Is your child fat? Has your child gained weight in the last year? Have you been buying larger sizes for your child twice a year? When is the last time you actually cooked a meal at home that included a balanced diet of protein,vegetables,or fruit.  If you can answer yes to any of these questions you are doing your child an injustice. We must care about how we feed our children and what we feed them. Society is getting bigger and bigger! We have an obese society of people who will take time to pick a cell phone than take time to see what we feed our children. Don’t let your child be teased or not be able to participate in sports because of his or her having a weight problem.Stop feeding your child fast foods! Stop buying prepared foods that you simply warm up in the microwave or stove. Be a responsible parent and spend your hard earned money on healthy fresh food for your children.Stop being so damn lazy and raise your child instead of letting others  dictate to you what is good for your child.If you don’t you will be making more frequent visits to your healthcare provider because have you heard type 2 diabetes is on the rise in children.

The Color of Hate

In Haters Hall of Fame on March 22, 2010 at 6:09 pm

Hating is not a black or white thing.  Sometimes, it is green.

Ah, yes, the Wicked Witch of the West from the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz”.  So mean, so determined to destroy.  I used to cover my eyes as a child whenever we watched the movie on tv.

Now, I can respect her attitude a little bit more. Afterall, her sister had just been killed. And then Dorothy had the nerve to take the ruby red slippers on top of it.   If you ask me she got off the hook too easy.  Her and Toto deserved a good old fashioned ass whoopin.


Haters on Parade